During the renovations of her Queen Anne Victorian
home, Anna Hughes discovers a hidden room, complete with furniture, a trunk
full of treasures – including a diary – and shadows hovering over it. Available from Amazon.
Whack! I swung
the hammer, and the hole in the attic wall widened. Even through the plaster
dust, I swore I smelled flowers. Roses and something else—lily of the valley—that
was it. One more whack and a section of the wall collapsed.
look!" I stepped through the opening and stared into the room. A dusty,
women's antique French desk stood in the center of the large room. The wall
behind it held book shelves still lined with books. Two chairs grouped, in
front of the window, around a table that held a tarnished silver tea set.
I spun around
the room. "My God, what is this?" Pictures hung on faded rose
wallpaper. Dim light, from the dirty, stained glass window in the alcove, cast
eerie shadows. "This is unbelievable."
Shadowy figures
in the corner of the room beckoned to me. At first I thought my eyes were
playing tricks. Between the dust and the dim light, but no, the shadows were
there, plain as day. They hovered over a carved trunk.
"Ben, do
you see that?"
"See what?"
Ben brushed the dust off his hands.
I held back a
giggle. I couldn't help it, he looked so uncomfortable. This wasn't Ben's cup
of tea. I was still trying to figure out why he helped me. He stepped through
the opening and looked at me.
over that trunk." I held back, dying to know what was in it, but half
afraid to go near it.
I sighed. The
look on Ben's face said it all. "Cobwebs, right."
"There you
go again. You and that overactive imagination. I suppose now you're going to go
ahead with the renovation." He took a couple steps into the room, stopped
next to the desk, and opened a drawer. "Hm, Look at this." He pulled
a sheet of stationary out of the drawer. "Mary Elizabeth Gilbert, wonder
who she was."
I took the
stationary from him. A bouquet of lily of the valley embossed the top of the
page. Again, the shadows appeared and beckoned to me. "Those aren't
cobwebs, Ben. Look."
Like I didn't know the difference between
shadows and cobwebs. Definitely shadows. Willowy figures hovered over the
trunk. Come open it, they seemed to say. There was a sense of urgency about
them, yet I didn't feel threatened. Giving in to the urge, I hurried to the
trunk and lifted the decorative lid. "Oh, look at this!" I lifted a
pearl handled hairbrush out of the trunk. "It's beautiful." A shadowy
figure floated above it. Then, I lifted out a corset and held the tiny form in
front of me. One of the shadowy figures moved closer, almost on top of me.
"Ugh, I
can't imagine having to wear one of these." Suddenly, my stomach and chest
tightened. I lost my breath, gasped, and sunk to my knees. The corset fell from
my hand. The shadows backed off. I was finally able to take a deep breath, and
let it out slowly.
When I opened
my eyes, Ben stood over me. "Are you okay? What happened? You looked like
you were going to pass out."
"I...I don't
know. I couldn't breathe. It felt like someone was squeezing the life out of
me." I looked at the corset lying on the dusty floor. What just happened
here? A shadowy figure lingered nearby. What was it trying to tell me?
"I think
we better get out of this dust for a while, get some fresh air." Ben
helped me to my feet. "You can come up later. I know how anxious you are
to go through that trunk. There's no stopping you now, is there?"
I hated to
leave, but Ben was right. I had inhaled an awful lot of dust. "Ben do you
smell flowers—roses or lily of the valley?"
"All I
smell is plaster and years of dust. Roses, are you sure you're okay?" He
furrowed his brow and gave me one of those disapproving looks that said I was
nuts. I hated that look.
"I'm fine,
just a little woozy. You're right, probably from all the dust." So Ben
hadn't seen the shadows, and he didn't smell the flowers, so what. I looked
back through the opening, and they were there, big as life. I sighed and
reluctantly followed Ben downstairs.
After a quick
lunch and something to drink, I stood, anxious to go back to what I now called
my treasure trove. I love old things. That's why I bought this old Victorian
house. Sure, it was a fixer-upper, but that was part of the charm and fun.
I needed a quiet place to write. Someplace I
could retreat while work was being done on the rest of the house, and the attic
fit the bill. Besides, I needed a place of my own, away from Ben.
Ben had noticed
the stained glass window from the outside a couple weeks ago. I hadn't noticed
it when I bought the house. I'm sure Ben was sorry he mentioned it to me. Not
that it mattered; I was still planning on renovating the attic. The window was
the only reason I managed to talk Ben into tearing down the wall. Not that he
believed me. He thought someone just covered over the window from the inside.
He only went along because he thought it would prove me wrong. Ben liked to do
that. But I knew I was right this time, and I took great satisfaction in
proving him wrong for a change.
I had been
drawn to the attic ever since I first saw it, even without knowing about the
window. And I wanted to help with the renovation, but it didn't take a brain
surgeon to know there was a lot I couldn't do. Electrical work for one and the
whole house needed rewired. Thank goodness, Connie told me about Chad.
Hopefully, he was still interested in doing the work, and Ben's rudeness hadn't
turned him off.
Downstairs, Ben
dusted off his clothes. "I hope you're going to hire someone to finish
this. You know I'm not cut out for this kind of work."
I sighed.
Luckily, Ben had helped this much. "You know I'm going to hire Chad, if he's
still willing to do the work, that is. You were awfully rude to him."
"I think
you should find someone else. I don't like that guy."
"He comes
highly recommended. Connie says he's tops in his field." Of course Ben was
going to give me a hard time about Chad. His dislike was evident right from the
beginning, and he didn't do a thing to hide it. "Besides, I liked him. He
didn't have to suggest we knock down the wall. He could have charged me for it.
I think he's honest."
"I don't
like this, Anna. This whole renovation thing is crazy."
"Come on,
Ben. Just help me finish knocking down that wall. There's not much more to do.
I'll call the contractor later."
I didn't like
the way Ben looked at me. Like he was sorry he offered. He hated dirt. Besides
the fact he was sweating and the plaster dust mixed with the sweat probably
made him feel gritty. He was going to back out and leave me to finish the job.
I wasn't sure I could handle it. "Please, I really need your help."
Begging usually worked with Ben. He loved to hear me beg.
"Oh, what
the heck." He shrugged. "You're right, there isn't much more to knock
down. Guess that's the least I can do. Besides I'm already dirty. Once we get
that wall knocked down, I can take a shower and call it quits. Okay, I'll help
with the rest of the wall, but that's it."
I smiled and
kissed him. "Thank you." How Ben was going to survive here with all
the renovation going on, I didn't know. Even as a kid, he said he hated getting
dirty. While the neighborhood kids played in the dirt, he sat in the air
conditioned house, reading. I could picture him. Serious-minded Ben didn't like
things other boys enjoyed, like sports. He still didn't.
He followed me up the steps. "Let's get
this done."
Back upstairs,
we knocked down the rest of the dividing wall. All the while, I watched the
shadows move back and forth between me and the trunk. What was in there? I
couldn't wait to find out, but I continued to help Ben. He'd have a fit if I
"Why do
you suppose someone sealed up this room?" I tried to ignore the shadows
flitting in and out of my vision. They definitely wanted my attention.
"I have no
idea." Ben knocked down the last of the dividing wall. "There, we're
done. Now let your contractors finish the job." He brushed off his hands. "Why
I offered to help you is beyond me. Can I leave now?"
I laughed. I
couldn't help it, he looked so pathetic. Pathetic and so dirty. I appreciated
the fact he helped me. Really I did. Ben didn't particularly like the old
Victorian and couldn't understand why I insisted on buying it. Oh, well, he'd
get used to it. He'd have to if we were going to get married. This was my home,
and I was in it for the long haul.
"Maybe someone was hiding a past." I
ignored Ben's question. Seldom did he ask permission for anything, and staying
dirty a few more minutes wouldn't hurt him.
"It's like
someone walked out of this room and built the wall. They left everything just
as it was." Again the shadows appeared and disappeared. Maybe they held
the key. I was dying to dive into that trunk.
With the last
of the wall down, I began the clean up. Ben stood by while I put chunks of
plaster and pieces of lathe into an old box. I could see all Ben wanted to do
was jump into a shower.
Finally, he
apparently couldn't stand it anymore. "I'm heading for the shower."
He turned and hurried down the steps before I could answer. Not that I cared.
Right now I was better off without him. I barely glanced at him. "Go
ahead. I can clean up."