Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Welcome, Marion Webb-De Sisto

1: Thank you so much for being here, Marion Webb-De Sisto.

First up is the obligatory question. When did you first begin writing?

From my early teenage years I always wanted to write, but usually created stories in my head rather than on paper. As an adult, and then a wife and mother, I put away any thoughts of writing. When my children were school age, I resumed my career life, part time at first, then full time, and although my desire to write had returned, I was much too busy to pursue it. I promised myself I would definitely write when I retired. In 1999 I took early retirement due to illness and there was finally time to fulfill a life-long dream. My first book was published in 2000 and I’ve not stopped since then. To date I’ve written 5 Non-Fiction books, 3 Adventure/Romance novels, a Fantasy novella for an anthology and a Fantasy novel. The latter is due to be published by MuseItUp Publishing in September of this year.

2: What inspired you to write?

I’ve always loved the written word and, even as a young child, my head was frequently buried in a book. I think my inspiration has come from that love of reading. I hope to give readers as much pleasure and interest as I’ve found in books.

3: What do you like the most and least about writing?

What I like least is when I have to put aside my writing in order to do other things. Everyday matters frequently encroach upon my written work, but I don’t procrastinate, I get them done so that I can return to whatever story I’m telling.

It’s difficult to decide on what I like most. Probably getting right inside the storyline, observing what the characters do and say. They always seem to be telling me their story rather than me being the puppeteer.

4: What do you for fun and relaxation when not writing?

I enjoy watching movies and I’m a passionate gardener. I also like to knit and bake. When the hours on my laptop aren’t taken up by writing, I’m surfing the Net for subjects that interest me.

5: Which authors do you like to read?

I’ve always enjoyed Stephen King, Ray Bradbury, Dennis Wheatley, Georgette Heyer and Anne Rice. As a teenager, my most favorite book was The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy. During my school years, I also enjoyed the classics.

6: What’s the one thing you’d most like people to know about you?

I’m open-minded and try not to make hasty decisions about people or matters. Also, life has taught me there will always be compensation for the losses and difficulties that we experience.

7: Tell me about your current novel, where I can find it and your website/blog.

The title is Taken for which I’ve recently signed a contract with MuseItUp Publishing. It details how the heroine is abducted, taken to the world of Cymllon, and then eventually rescued by the hero, a demgel. He’s half demon, half angel. They spend some time together during which she learns a hidden truth about herself. The storyline explores how two very different individuals eventually realize how important they are to each other.

My most current published story is the novella Malpas. It’s featured in the anthology Writers on the Wrong Side of the Road. The book is strictly for adults and covers various genres, including horror, erotica, a post-apocalyptic tale and even a space opera. This was my first attempt at writing an erotic story and was pinpointed as the personal favorite of one reviewer. She referred to it as an erotic beauty and the beast.

Further information on all of my books can be found at my website:

Readers might also enjoy my blog:

8: Do you have any tips for aspiring authors?

When an author writes in the Fantasy genre, s/he can allow imagination to run wild, nothing may seem to be too impossible or unbelievable. In my opinion, however, I believe s/he should make sure the special abilities, powers, or attitudes the main characters have are completely relevant to the storyline. Don’t give them extra skills and standpoints that are merely trimmings to their fantasy personalities. Make them be a necessary part of the story, a vital component that would enhance the plot, or seriously damage it, if omitted. In this way, the characters become more believable even though they may be purely imaginary.

9: Do you base your characters on real-life people?

I don’t intentionally do this. However, when thinking about how a character will react to a situation, I do recall how I’ve seen certain people behave. Then I decide whether or not such behavior is appropriate for the character in question.

10: Where do you get your ideas and what inspired you to write this book?

I guess the answer is my crazy imagination. Also, for a number of years I’ve been interested in angels, demons and mythical creatures. Why do we have so many stories about how they have interacted with humans? Are they completely fictitious or based on some long lost truth?

In one of my previous novels I introduced a world, named Cymllon, that in many ways is similar to Earth, but whereas we’ve pursued technology, the inhabitants of that world concentrate on magic. I wanted to elaborate on this world so I’ve set my most recent novel and the one I’m presently writing in it.

11: What are you currently working on?

As mentioned above, the story is set in Cymllon. The heroine is a humangel, meaning she’s part human and part angel. The hero is a fallen warrior angel. They are both banishers, sending whoever belongs in Abbadon/Hell to that place, but they are not serving the same purpose. In the beginning, they’re at odds, yet an attraction builds between them and they eventually have to re-evaluate their feelings about each other.

12. Is there anything else you’d like us to know about you?

My Non-Fiction books explore metaphysical subjects. If you’re interested in crystals, crystal skulls, the Bach Flower Remedies, or the spirit world you might find them helpful.

Excerpt from Taken:

{Please Note – This story has not, as yet, undergone MuseItUp editing}

Now, it was time to address the staring, but first it was her turn to gaze at him. Looking at his chest, she was surprised to see the wounds were already closing and didn’t look inflamed. Then she stared directly at his face and realized his eye color was actually black, not dark brown. It was impossible to know where his pupils ended and his irises began. His nose was straight and not overly big and his mouth wasn’t as large as Zortek’s, but had the same thin lips. This demgel’s hair was not as long as her angel date’s and it was black and wavy. Esther decided he was definitely better-looking than Zortek, as long as she could ignore the pointed ears, scales and horns.

“Do you have a name?”

“My name is Dreydon.”

Esther thought that was as weird as the name Zortek.

“Well, Dreydon, don’t you know it’s rude to stare?”

His gaze didn’t falter; his dark eyes continued their intent looking.

“Is staring something demgels do? Zortek kept doing it, too, on our date.”

“What do you mean? Isn’t a date a day on your calendar?”

“Yes, but it also means when you’re out with someone, like having a meal or going to the movies.”

“I don’t understand. Humans do strange things.”

“Oh, we do strange things, but demgels don’t? How about being unfamiliar with cutlery, having no manners and sniffing someone? And, of course, there’s the staring.”

“I stare because you are very beautiful.”

She hadn’t expected flattery. Score one for Dreydon. “Don’t think you can side-track me with a compliment. I want you to stop staring at me. It makes me feel nervous and very uncomfortable.”

Finally, he looked away for a moment and said, “That is not my intention.” Now, he looked upset and Esther felt a tinge of guilt. She’d spoken to him like he was a naughty child and he’d given her food and water, which was so much more than Zortek had done. Trying to change the subject, she asked:

“How do you know English? You spoke to Zortek and your wolf in a different language so I’m guessing that one is yours.”

“I’ve been to your world and can speak several of its languages. Once someone talks to me in their language, I then know it. You said in English you wanted no more killing and I understood you.”

“Knowing a language instantly is amazing.” Wanting to confirm something, she then added, “You were going to kill him, right?”

“Yes, if I didn’t kill him, he would kill me. I let him live because you looked so distraught.”

“That’s because a while before you stopped us another demgel challenged Zortek and he quickly killed him. Do you think that one wanted to take me to his home?”

“No, he would have taken you to his mejin.”

Remembering the violent attack, Esther informed, “Zortek ripped his throat out and his blood was everywhere. It was horrible.” She shuddered.

“That is one way demgels kill. We can also strike an opponent with fire from our eyes and that burns them.”

This conversation was becoming alarming. In almost panic, she speculated whether Dreydon would kill her with fire when she tried to escape. That thought rekindled Esther’s fear of him. Trying to reassure herself, she decided this whole experience was nothing more than a long drawn out nightmare, and she might as well join in the craziness. “So demgels think nothing of killing?”

“When it is necessary, we do it. Humans kill, don’t they?”

“Yes, but...” She really couldn’t argue with the point he was making. Moving on from this troubling subject, she asked, “Anyway, what is a demgel? You look like something out of a Fantasy story.”

“A demgel is half demon, half angel.”

Ok, more crazy stuff. Yes, it must be a nightmare. “Angels and demons don’t really exist so how can you be a combination of both?”

“They do exist in other dimensions and levels of existence. Both angels and demons are here in Cymllon. How else could the first demgels be born?”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting interview. Best wishes for your book. Thanks for sharing an excerpt.