Roseanne Dowell - A Little of This, A Little of That
Sunday, May 12, 2024
Things My Mother Never Taught Me by Roseanne Dowell
Friday, August 26, 2022
Where Did Summer Go?
I know technically summer isn't over, but hey, the kids are back in school. To me, that always meant summer was over. It used to be they went back after Labor Day. It seems they go back earlier every year.
Why should that bother me? I mean, I don't have school-age kids, heck, I only have two school-age grandkids.
Yet for some reason I feel sad about it every year. Maybe it's because I remember my own going back. I hated getting back to the routine of bedtime earlier, especially as it was still light outside. All summer they got to stay up late, played outside until 9:00 and sometimes later. Getting them to settle down was no easy task, but that wasn't the only reason. Nope, it was fun letting them stay up late and watching them play outside. I loved it.
And, of course, I knew what was to come. My least favorite time of year, my least favorite season. I was okay until January. It wasn't terribly cold in November and December (at least not usually, although there were a few years). I don't mind the snow. I actually think it's pretty. I just don't like driving in it. Although most times, the road crews are pretty good about keeping it clear. But those big snowfalls when you can't even get out of the garage without shoveling, well, suffice it to say, I'm not crazy about them.
There was a time, in my younger years, I actually loved snowstorms. Loved going out and shoveling and playing with the kids building snowmen and making snow angels. But those days are long past. These old bones have trouble shoveling nowadays. Praise God, I have a nephew who does it for a living, and the great guy that he takes mercy on me and plows our drive.
I have no desire to flee south for the winter, even if I could afford it. Nope, I love Ohio, love being near my family especially. So, I'll live with it and look forward to next spring and summer. At my age the time goes pretty quickly, so it'll be here before I know it. Until then, I'll continue to wonder, where did summer go?
Saturday, June 26, 2021
It's been a long time.
I lost track of time. I could have sworn I posted on this blog recently. Obviously not. I apologize to those of you following me. I just didn't realize it's been so long.
So what have I been doing all this time? Honestly, nothing really exciting. Last year was mostly a loss because of Covid. You'd think I'd have been writing, and I've tried, honest I have. I have three stories started and each one has me blocked. I'm not sure which direction any of them are going and that's the main problem.
I'm what they call a "seat of the pants writer". That means I don't plot out my books. I tried plotting one out once at the advice of another writer who spoke to a writing group I belonged to. What she said made perfect sense at the time.
Unfortunately, I got a couple of chapters into the story, and bam, just like that, nothing would come. I didn't know how to get my heroine into the next situation. I think I didn't care for the situations I had plotted and that was a big problem. And I really didn't like the ending I'd created, so. there I was staring at a blank screen. Nothing came to me. I had blocked myself into situations I didn't really like and neither did my character. And let's face it, if your main character isn't happy, the author isn't happy.
I was blocked on that story for two years. Every time I tried to write, the same thing happened, Nothing. So I set it aside until I forgot what I plotted. Finally, I opened it one day, and just like that, the ideas started flowing. I created a different ending and it didn't take me or my character long to get there.
That's how I usually write and plotting is okay for some writers, but definitely not for me. I know the beginning of my stories and the end, how I get there - or I should say how my characters get there - is as much a surprise to me as it is to my readers.
So, what's wrong with the stories I started? I don't have an ending on any of them so my characters don't know where to go. I hope someday to finish them but for now, they sit with blank spaces.
So since I haven't been writing, what have I been doing. A lot of embroidery. I got a new embroidery machine and I love it. I've been making all kinds of things, especially Christmas gifts. I have a lot to make, so I start early, although I haven't started for this year yet.
Last year, I made bowls and ornaments, and placemats.
Some for myself, some for everyone else. And the cutest snowmen. And then I made Easter gifts, beautiful crosses for my kids, little cute things for the grandkids, and great-grandkids. It keeps me busy and out of trouble. Recently I've been making bookmarks for my Bible Study Group and for Easter dinner at church,. Today, I'm actually working on baseballs for a dinner we're having at church tomorrow with a baseball theme. It's really been fun. Next month we're doing a Christmas in July dinner at church and yep, you guessed it, I'm making ornaments. I also made baby bibs for my granddaughter's first baby.
Other than that, not much else, Oh yes, I was in the hospital with pneumonia last summer. It started out as a UTI but the doctor wouldn't see me until I had a Covid test, which took three days to come back, by then I was so sick I wanted to crawl in a hole. I begged the doc to see me since it was now Friday and I knew I couldn't go through the weekend without some kind of prescription. She finally agreed to see me and then made me wait in the waiting room for over an hour, Not one person came or went during that time, And when she finally called me back to the exam room, she poked my stomach, asked me a question and insisted I go to the emergency room, that I needed a Cat scan because I might have Diverticulitis, I didn't have one symptom of that. I knew I had a UTI, I've had them before.
So they hooked me up to an IV and were getting me ready for the Cat scan when the emergency room doctor came in and asked what was going on. I explained I thought I had a UTI and he asked if I had any labs. Nope, I hadn't so he said we'd get those before they did a cat scan. Praise God, he did, because he came back with the results. A UTI just as I thought. He gave me a prescription and sent me home.
Unfortunately, I was getting worse instead of better. So the next Tuesday, off I went back to the emergency room. And now I had pneumonia and was admitted. Probably got it because all I did was sleep the week before while waiting for the results from the Covid test and running a fever. I'm surprised I wasn't dehydrated, too.
Anyway, after four days, I felt like my old self and they sent me home, for which I was very grateful.
Now, I'm very happy that life is returning to normal. Masks are now optional (except for Medical facilities) and I take every opportunity not to wear one.
Hopefully, I'll keep up my blog better now that I'm aware of how little I've posted.
Happy Summer, everyone.
Monday, February 17, 2020
February Half Over
It's been a fairly decent month weather-wise. A few cold days, but mostly above normal temps, just like January. I hope that means an early spring and not that winter is delayed.
The bad thing (in my opinion) thing about these warm temps is the flu seems to be worse this year. I think we need those cold temps to kill the germs. On the other hand different types of germs live in cold temps, so maybe it's a trade off.
So far this year, my husband and I have been blessed to escape the nasty bug. Not that the flu season is over by any means. There's still a long way to go.
It is nice, however to see the days becoming longer - I should say daylight, shouldn't I - the days are still only 24 hours long. And it's really been nice to see a lot of sunshine this winter. Normally the days are dreary, sometimes to the point of having to keep the lights on all day.
Beginning March 8th, only a few weeks away, the time changes again and it'll be light even later. Can't say I mind. I just wish they'd leave it one way or other already. I hate they keep changing it. Of course, if they leave it to daylight savings time, it's going to be dark in the morning longer. If they leave it the way it is, it'll be dark earlier in the evening during the summer months. I think I'd rather have it get dark earlier. It's bad enough it doesn't get light until almost 8 AM in the winter. I can't imagine it not getting light until almost 9.
I guess I don't have much to say about it. They've been talking about changing it for years and so far it hasn't happened. Probably never will.
Today is a bright sunny day, and I'm enjoying it. Tomorrow it's supposed to be 50 again. Last Friday, it barely made it to 17 for a high. No wonder everyone is sick. Crazy roller coaster weather.
We'll take the good with the bad and suffer the frigid winters every so often or the snowier than normal winters. And yes, we'll enjoy the warmer than normal also. We have no choice.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Welcome, Rita Lee Chapman

Rita's Books

Friday, January 3, 2020
Twelve Days of Christmas
It always annoys me that people misrepresent these days. Not to the point of getting angry or anything, just because the season is lost.
It's sad to see all the colorful lights gone. Everyone is back to their busy life and Christmas suddenly seems a thing of the past. Even though only a week ago, it's seems so long ago. Gone are the Christmas Carols on the radio stations, I'd say Christmas movies, but Hallmark is still playing them, but all signs of Christmas are pretty much gone. Stores are putting out Valentine's Day decorations or spring merchandise. Don't look for a winter coat or clothes. All the spring finery is replacing them.
Okay, you can still find a few things on sale, but for the most part the turnover has begun. I was in a store yesterday where shelves of Christmas merchandise was cleared to make room for the next season.
I know Christmas merchandise is out before Halloween and people have grown tired of looking at it. Not me. I love it. but they could at least wait until Nov.1st to put it out. And can't they wait until January is over to put out the Spring merchandise?
As for me, I'll celebrate the 12 days of Christmas and light my lights and enjoy the decorations for four more days, then I'll sadly put everything away until next year and hate the blah - albeit clean. uncluttered- rooms.
Happy 12 Days of Christmas!!!
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Happy New Year
It was a busy, fun month. And now, here it is New Year's Eve. Many years ago, we went out on New Year's Eve to a restaurant for dinner, drinks after and often ended up at someone's home. Eventually, we decided it'd be more fun to go to someone's house.
I'm from a big family, 5 brothers and sisters, so needless to say, add in my parents, and we had enough for a party. Everyone brought food and whatever they wanted to drink.
Once we had kids, we included them and the party grew. And then the kids got married and we started getting together with them, at our house at first and then at one of theirs. Grandkids came along and the party grew more.
What fun and memories we made.
Now, hubby and I stay home. It's easier and the kids do their own thing. That's fine. While I enjoy getting together with them, I don't mind staying home. It's getting difficult for hubby with his COPD to go out much.
Funny, how quickly the years pass now. Seems like 2019 just started and here it is 2020. Oh, and does everyone remember 1999 and how worried everyone was about 2000 - that everything would crash. Here it is 20 years later and all is still well.
Wishing everyone a blessed and happy new year!