It's that time of year again. As Thanksgiving approaches, I reflect on things I'm thankful for. There are so many, I decided to list them on Facebook, a new one every day. It's difficult to decide which one to post on which day. I did this years ago and decided it was time to do it again as a reminder how blessed I am.
Thanksgiving isn't just about turkey, dressing, and all the other delicious side dishes. While I'm grateful to celebrate the day with my family and enjoy the abundance of food, I look around and realize how blessed I am. Not all of my family gathers for Thanksgiving dinner and that's okay. They have other
obligations, other families to visit. But I'm fortunate to have my sons for dinner. My daughters and some of the grandchildren come later for dessert ,and before you know it, chaos rules.
Oh what a joy to hear their laughter and watch them interact. Each one speaking louder than the other to be heard. Some call us loud and obnoxious, but that's okay. I love every deafening, boisterous minute of it.
And so begins the holiday season. Well, actually it begins a little earlier for me. Since the kids take turns hosting Christmas, I started putting my tree up before
Thanksgiving so everyone can enjoy it. - Not sure how much they enjoy it, but I love it and any excuse to decorate. Christmas is my favorite time of year and celebrating for more than a month suits me fine.
This year, my husband and I decided to renew our marriage vows. Our anniversary happens to be today,, so we're doing it at church this morning. And it gives us another day to celebrate.
It's not a milestone year, but it's been 57 years. Several people asked why now, why not wait until 60 or why didn't we do it at 50.
Why? Because although 50 was a milestone, we weren't in a position financially at 50 to host a party. And I don't want to wait for 60. I learned a long time ago not to wait for something. Would we still be here in 3 more years? Hard to say. Honestly it's difficult to say we'll be here in a couple weeks. And if we are still here in 3 more years, we'll celebrate again, just not with a vow renewal. Who says you have to do it at milestone years anyway? Isn't 57 a milestone. Isn't every year a milestone, especially in today's times?
I look forward to standing before God, my family, and the congregation, repeating my vows and acknowledging to the love of my life that I'd marry him all over again.
So, yes, another reason to be thankful. It's a good year, and I'm thankful for my many blessings. Praise God!